What is WeWrite

WeWrite is a custom Power BI visual that offers writeback capabilities. You can choose between the matrix or the table visual, both unique in their usage.

How do I start?

To add our custom visual to your Power BI, look for the three dots next to your Build visual pane.


Simply visit the Microsoft marketplace and import the WeWrite visual to your Power BI.

Choose the “Get more visuals” option

Choose the “Get more visuals” option

Use the search box in the upper right corner to search for “WeWrite” visuals.

Import the visual that you need.

Import the visual that you need.

That is it, you are all set!

<aside> 💡 Click Set up Instructions to learn how to set up the visual.


Free Trial

WeWrite visuals offer a free one-month trial. To get started follow the “Buy now” process in the Licensing chapter of this Wiki page. The trial will begin automatically.


All our visuals are licensed through the Microsoft Marketplace.

You can see the detailed pricing in the Plans + Pricing tab.

Pick the plan that suits you the most.

Pick the plan that suits you the most.